This site is dedicated to my boyfriend, Ambrose.
Facts about my boyfriend:

Ambrose has a pet turtle named Tucker. I think Tucker is very cute.

Ambrose loves soup! He also makes great soup himself. He made me a vegetable soup once when I was sick and it was so good I ate it cold. If you scroll down, you'll see a picture I snuck of him while he was cooking - he's a great cook and I love the sight of him doing something he's naturally good at.

Ambrose really likes video games, but most notably Pokemon and the FromSoftware games. Bloodborne and the Dark Souls franchise are his favorites. Which is funny to me in a way, because he kind of reminds me of a knight. When I see a man in a suit of armor, I think of him.

Ambrose is an incredible artist. His art is something I would like even if he wasn't my boyfriend, he's naturally skilled and has great composition, choice of color and has a way of making art that is unique to him. I love everything he's ever made. I can tell he made it somehow by looking at it, it's like seeing a part of him I can't explain with words.

Ambrose plays drums and he does it very well. I don't get to see him play them often and I get the impression that he's bashful about it but I'm grateful for any chance I get to watch him play.

Ambrose has always been kind to me. I know this sounds simple or half-hearted, but if you sit down and think about it, how many people do you have in your life that have always treated you with kindness and care? There's usually always a scenario in which someone has slighted you in someway, even if they didn't intend to. I don't know if it's intentional or if he's just like this with me naturally, but either way I appreciate everything he's ever done for me; I've never felt rejected or neglected in any way by him and I relish in any of the special attention he gives me.

I'm not a spiritual person, but something that Ambrose said once to me has always stuck with me. He said that he prayed to God that he'd meet someone like me and I have to admit that there was always a small part of me that wished I'd meet someone like him too. For some reason, I've always liked boys that looked like him without ever meeting him. I always liked artists, too, I never quite understood why I gravitated towards him. He has every quality I've ever asked for in another man, both physically and emotionally, even ones that I always thought were selfish to ask of another person. Sometimes, and I know this sounds delusional, I think that we must have known each other in a past life.

That's enough facts for now. I'd like to talk about why I love Ambrose as much as I do and wish him a Happy Birthday/Christmas.

Hi Ambrose. If you're reading this, that means I finally finished this site and preferably did so on time. I started working on this site about a month ago and I wanted it to be something really nice that you could spend time looking at or reading, something you could look at if you ever feel insecure about the way I feel about you or you ever doubt my love for you. When I say you are my ideal, I really do mean that. I wouldn't change a thing about you. I enjoy doing anything with you, even just sitting in your room with you is one of my favorite things to do. My feelings for you have only ever grown stronger over time and sometimes they scare me, I don't think I've ever really loved a man before I met you. I mean, I thought I did, but the way I love you is so different and all encompassing that all the other men I've ever been with pale in comparison. You are one of the first and only people I actually enjoyed being intimate with for the first time and because of that, even though I'm experienced, everything I do with you feels so new and exciting, even if we've already done it before. Even as an atheist I've begun to doubt myself because of you, I don't know how it's possible that I've found someone so perfect for me that actually returns the feeling. You meet every preference I've ever had, you're a talented artist, beautiful, well spoken and intelligent. Polite, kind, caring. When I'm with you it just feels so natural that I feel like I must have known you before but I just don't know how that's possible. We fit together so well to me that it feels like I've done this one hundred times over; that I could do it one hundred times more and it'd feel as good every single time. Your artwork is some of the best I've seen, it really resonates with me deeply in a way I can't explain when I look at it and the fact that it just comes to you so naturally blows my mind. I want to hear your opinions on everything all of the time, every time I watch a film or read something, I always wonder what you'd think of it, how you'd interpret it and our conversations are some of the best I've had. I won't pretend like we don't differ on things (grape jelly is the best and also so is buttercream) but these differences we have, even the ones that aren't as silly as food preferences, don't bother me at all - that's part of how I know I actually love you on a deeper level, not a superficial one. I think that even if you were incredibly mean to me I'd have a very easy time forgiving you. That sounds pathetic, but I don't think you understand the amount of love I have for you and how it's backed by you just being the way you are and the way your brain operates. You're intellectual and complex, I'm never bored when you're talking and when you're silent I'm always enthralled by you and wondering what's on your mind, what you could be thinking of. Not only because of your word choices and the way you express yourself, but you're so handsome that it's captivating. Sometimes I can't look at you because it makes me feel too intensely. When I drop my gaze or won't look at you I hope you don't think I'm thinking something negative, it really is because sometimes I just can't take looking at you any longer because it's too intense, my feelings boil over inside of me. I know that you've expressed concern that I would leave you or that I would lose interest in you or something but I want you to know that that would never happen. I cherish any time we have together, there hasn't been one time I wanted to leave without some kind of obligation. If I could spend all of my time with you I would and it would only make me happier than I am now, I wouldn't get sick of you at all. I hope none of this comes off as smothering you or being too intense, it's just how I feel. If you ever need space from me I would understand because of how strong I can come on and how strong I've always come onto you, but I don't ever feel the need to have space from you. I only ever want to be closer. I hope you're having a great birthday. I love you. More than I have the ability to communicate.

Here are some of the photos I snuck of my beautiful boyfriend! These are 5 of my favorites.